ABL Services Leominster
Your local team of professional, trusted tradespeople for property maintenance and renovation.
ABL Services Leominster – a team you can trust
ABL Services have a team of fully qualified, fully insured painters, decorators, carpenters and electricians on hand to help with any project.
Covering both residential and commercial projects, we focus on what is most important to you: professional workmanship and customer satisfaction.
Based in Leominster, we cover Herefordshire, Worcestershire, Shropshire, Mid Wales and the West Midlands.
Call Mervyn and the team today on 01568 592 022 / 07425 148 850 for a free, informal, no obligation quote.
NEW FOR 2022!
Use our drone surveying service for your roof inspections – a safer, cheaper and faster solution.
“Huge thanks to Mervyn and his team for helping us to paint our garage ceiling.
The money saved from this will help us keep our ambulance on the road longer.“
[St John Ambulance, Monmouth]
Find out more about our services
Painting & Decorating
A team of 8 painters all with over 10 years experience. Covering all types of residential and commercial premises, interior and exterior.
Team of 2 carpenters providing kitchen fitting, bedroom fitting, door and window fitting, exterior carpentry, garden structures and more.
Fully qualified electrician covering all sizes of job – from changing light switches to full rewires. Also available for electrical inspections and PAT testing.
Drone Surveying
We can visually survey any roof type or structure from the air with our drone – the safer, quicker and cheaper option for roofing surveys.
“Excellent – can highly recommend ABL Services. Nothing is too much trouble and very polite and professional.
Work is to an excellent standard. Thanks Merv and his lads!”
[Tim, Leominster]
Why do people choose ABL Services?
Quality tradespeople
We only employ time-served quality tradespeople. All staff take pride in their work and deliver a professional finish to be proud of.
Honest and reliable
We’re open and honest about our pricing and how we work. And when we say we’ll be there, we will be there. Your job will be completed in a timely manner and on budget.
Minimum disruption
We strive to keep disruption to a minimum so we will do our best to work around your day to day activities and will always make sure everything is clean and tidy when we go home at night.
One point of contact
You will have your own project manager who will coordinate the project and all tradespeople. One person overseeing everything to ensure your job runs smoothly.
No job too big
With a 12 strong team of multiskilled tradespeople, we can easily scale up for large projects, and are experienced with a wide range of residential and commercial projects.
No job too small
Unlike many other building companies and trades, we will also come out and do the small jobs. Need a washer replacing or a fence panel fixing? No problem.
Read about some of our projects
Ready to start your project?
Give us a call on 01568 592 022 / 07425 148 850 or request a callback below.